
11-2013 552Some people think we misinterpret our dreams but in actuality we misinterpret our reality”  The reformed mean girl

Ivory- Beautiful clever one as told by those of Chinese heritage. According to Ivory, she is  the born dreamer. That pretty much sums up who she is without listing all those fancy terms that most people go crazy about. Realities are so hard to grasp once you’re caught up in the hustle and bustle of what you think life should be. In order to avoid losing sight of her own perception of reality, Ivory lives free-Vicariously speaking!

Born and raised in Georgia but now Ivory resides in Wisconsin-a chosen path for her better half, Frankie. When Ivory is not writing she is traveling and/or planning her next trip. Let’s not forget that she is a thrift junkie and will make a way to thrift anything.


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